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Lexington Leadership Foundation Fatherhood Initiative, the Commonwealth Center for Fathers and Families, and a dedicated community advisory committee are proud to present the 19th Annual Father’s Day Family Celebration on June 17, 2023.

For 18 years, this event has not only survived many challenges it has thrived. Each year we have seen an increase in collaborations and lives touched by a community’s resilience and heart for families and children.


We believe fathers are central figures in the lives of children and in the stability of families. This celebration will promote this belief by encouraging fathers to be present physically and mentally in their homes, families, and communities. Community partners will be on-site to invite families into a broad network offering support and guidance.


Our collective need for nurturing fathers and father-figures has never been greater, as a multitude of current problems in society have correlations to father absence and disengagement. But this day is not the time to dwell on the deficits rooted in father absence. This Father’s Day event is about the hope and fruit that stems from their presence – a sense of togetherness and wholeness that can last for generations. Health, wellness, and economic outcomes are all improved when a father is positively engaged. Neighborhoods are stronger. Schools are more effective. Businesses are more profitable, and employees are more reliable.


The Father’s Day Family Celebration is a day when a neighborhood gets together to say thank you to the men who stand up every day for their families. It’s also a day when the broader community wraps around them for the sake of our children and grandchildren. In the words of my predecessor and founder of Fatherhood Initiative, David Cozart, “The only way we can change this culture is TOGETHER, and the healthy presence of fathers and men in homes and neighborhoods can be a Game Changer.”


We hope that you’ll join us to empower fathers, encourage families, and celebrate community.

I look forward to seeing you at Douglass Park on June 17th!


Jared Sloan, Director

Fatherhood Initiative

Lexington Leadership Foundation

Schedule of Events


9:00 – 10:00am

  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast: First African Missionary Baptist Church Lawn

  • Presented by multiple community congregations, the men of Omega Psi Phi, and Lexington Leadership Foundation.


10:30 – 11:00am

  • Father-Family March: From First African MBC to Douglass Park

  • In Partnership with LFUCG, LPD, and Lexington Leadership Foundation’s Urban Impact Initiative.


11:00 – 2:00pm

  • Father’s Day Family Celebration: Douglass Park

  • In partnership with Georgetown St. Neighborhood Association, Commonwealth Center for Fathers and Families, and Fayette County Public Schools.

    • Grilled Picnic Boxed Lunch (FREE)

    • Resources, Activities, Games, Give Aways, Music (All FREE)


Our Event Sponsors

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Mailing Address: P.O. Box 54642 Lexington, KY 40555

Woodhill Community Center: 422 Codell Dr. Lexington, KY 40509

Center for Fathers & Families: 436 Georgetown St. Lexington, KY 40508

The Prayer Room: 1218 S Broadway Lexington, KY 40504


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